Business Industry *
Business Description *
Describe your business briefly. Why should I buy from you instead of your competition? *
TARGET AUDIENCE Who are your core customers(s)/target audience? And what is their demographic/psychographic make-up? *
SHOPPING BEHAVIORS What are their shopping behaviors? Based on your experience, where is the best place to intercept them on their path to purchase? *
BUSINESS OBJECTIVES Please provide your Business Needs and Objectives that will be supported by this campaign. *
What specific quantifiable marketing objectives have you outlined for this program (e.g. Increased Brand Awareness, Increased Sales, Share of Market, etc.)? If more than one, please place in priority order. *
What are the KPIs you will be tracking? Traffic Increases to site % new versus return visitors Total Clicks on Banners Click Through Rate (CTR) Pre-Conversation High-Value Actions Conversion Rate Impressions Served Store Visits Engagement Metrics - Time on site, bounce rate *
How will success against the marketing objectives be measured? Do you have proper tracking mechanisms in place and BAU (business as usual) results to compare and evaluate performance during and after the campaign? *
Please Provide YouTube URL *
Please provide the email address that is linked to the YouTube Channel *
Please provide the URL to your website(s). What other digital channels do you use to support your company? Please list all that apply and provide handle (e.g. @company): YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc: *
competitors Company Conversion
What geographic area are we targeting with this program? Are we targeting by IP address, Zip Code, State, City, Geo-Fence, etc.
Does your business have physical locations where customers can enter and do business with your company? If so, please provide the specific address(es) *
Please list your main competitors and/or other companies that offer the same products or services you provide. Also provide their website URLs, (and if applicable) names of their specific product and/or service offerings. *
Do you know of any places where your core target audience can be found in the physical world (malls, playgrounds, schools, business conferences, seminars, etc.)? If so, be specific. *
What are the products and/or services that will be supported with this campaign?
Do you have any digital creative assets available to support this program? You will need banner ads, and potentially a performance optimized landing page as well. *
Will there be any offers or incentives available to your customers and prospects that will be leveraged in the advertising? If so, please provide. Also are there any geographic and/or time-in-market restrictions? *
After your customers and/or prospects are exposed to your advertising, what do you want them to do (what is your call to action?) And where are you sending them (e.g. main website, promotional landing page, etc.)? *